Tourism and Territory: from diagnosis to proposal of the tourist development of the Province of Buenos Aires


  • Maximiliano Emanuel Korstanje



Tourism, territory, tourism development, planification


This book review is based on the work and legacy of Juan Carlos Mantero. With honesty and respect, we place his text under the lens of scrutiny by discussing critically the conceptual problems found in the text. This review explores a lot of themes ranging from ecology to tourism planification. It exhibits the academic trend that alludes to value creation of tourist destinations. This academic wave that valorizes the role played by territory in the touristificaiton is enrooted "La Universidad Nacional de Mar Del Plata". Our main argument is that this text trivializes the evolution of development theory generating a financial indoctrination between periphery and its centre. 


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How to Cite

Korstanje, M. E. (2014). Tourism and Territory: from diagnosis to proposal of the tourist development of the Province of Buenos Aires. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(3), 727–729.



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