The evolution of profile and motivations of agro-tourists in Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil
Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil, rural tourist market, tourist market, tourist motivations, agro-turism, market evolutionAbstract
This article aims to assess the profile of agro-tourists and their motivations for agro- and rural tourism, from the point of view of the owners of agro-tourism establishments in the Southern Half of the state Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. Data was collected in a census approach of the rural tourism properties in four distinct moments in time, between 1997 and 2011. Results show that most tourists are domestic, come for short breaks, even though overcoming distances of several hundreds of kilometers, with many showing loyalty to the unit. Although relaxation and escape from urban life is a main motive visible, there is an apparent trend towards more diversified tourism motivations, and activities sought, yielding relaxing, recreational, healthy, culturally enriching and emotional tourist experiences, associated to the specificities of the visited territory and rural tourism property.
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