A strategy for the design of a cultural tourist route. Case study of the city of Tlemcen in Algeria





tourist route, cultural heritage, Participation, Google My Maps, Tlemcen


Cultural tourist routes enhance the identity of local communities and stimulate the traditional economic activities of any region. The present article aims to analyze the cultural tourist routes that were proposed in 2011 during the event "Tlemcen, capital of Islamic culture" in Algeria. Unfortunately, these routes were not realized. For this, a survey was carried out with civil servant representatives, who were active in 2011 in the Tourist and Cultural Administration of the city, using semi-structured interviews and questionnaires for the design of these routes. The primary purpose is to highlight the main causes of the observed failure and to propose instead a protocol that guarantees the conception of any cultural tourist route. The findings allowed us to create a collaborative interactive map via Google My Maps which, in turn, facilitated the achievement of a collective consensus for the proposal for a cultural tourist route in the city of Tlemcen.


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Author Biographies

Manal Addoun, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University

PhD student at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University, Mostaganem- Algeria. Construction, Transport and Environmental Protection Laboratory (LCTPE)


Madjid Chachour, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University

lecturer B at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University, Mostaganem (Algeria), LCTPE-LAMAUS laboratories.

Mohamed Salah Zerouala, University of Algiers 1

Pr Zerouala is a senior lecturer at the University of Algiers 3, Algeria.

Mohamed Salah ZEROUALA was appointed director of EPAU from June 2006 up to july 2017. He has been involved in teaching architecture (graduation and post graduation) and in research since 1986 through three major university institutions in Algeria, the University de Biskra (1986-1993), the University of Constantine (1993-2006) and the EPAU of Algiers (2006-2017).

Mr Zerouala was promoted to professor in 1998. He was appointed first as director of the “Cities and Heritage: LVP” laboratory at the University of Constantine (2001) and second as director of the “Cities, Architecture and Heritage: LVAP laboratory At the EPAU in Algiers (2007).

His research mainly deals with heritage, teaching architecture (didactics), the city and globalization, housing and social participation.
He was consultant to the ministry of interior for the follow-up of the Algerian pavilions at the universal exhibitions of Dubai, Milan, Zaragoza, and Shanghai.

Mr. Zerouala is an architect graduated in 1978 from the University of Constantine, Algeria. He holds a M. Phil (1983) and a Ph. D (1986) from the School of Architecture at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.


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How to Cite

Addoun, M., Chachour, M., & Zerouala, M. S. (2023). A strategy for the design of a cultural tourist route. Case study of the city of Tlemcen in Algeria. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(4), 743–765. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2023.21.051

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