Technologies applied to accessibility in protected cultural spaces. Case: Victoria Ocampo Cultural Centre, Mar del Plata
Museums, cultural heritage, Accessibility, Technology, visual disabiltyAbstract
Architectural heritage with cultural functions has a hierarchical role in cities as a testimony to history and a promoter of activities for both locals and tourists. Physical, sensory, intellectual and communicational accessibility is a pending issue in most of the properties, particularly in the city of Mar del Plata. Given the need and the challenge of contributing to promoting equal access, use and enjoyment of these spaces, the potential that the incorporation and articulation of new technologies means is recognized. In this sense, a project is under development for the Victoria Ocampo Cultural Center, which takes as its main target the population with visual disabilities. To do this and through the work of an interdisciplinary team, this research-action focuses on the contributions of 3D printing and augmented reality.
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