Tourism and work agendas in the Triple Frontier: Mbya Guarani proposals during the COVID 19 Pandemic




tourism, indigenous, ASPO/DiSPO, COVID, Argentina


In this article we recover some of the theoretical contributions referred to indigenous community tourism with the purpose of putting them in dialogue with the experiences developed by the Mbya Guaraní communities in Puerto Iguazú (Misiones, Argentina). The context of analysis will be the practices developed during the Preventive and Compulsory Social Isolation and Distancing by COVID-19. The main objective is to show the active link between indigenous communities and the generation of proposals for tourism. In the first place, we take up again some discussions of the studies devoted to indigenous community tourism, touristification and the creation of structuring resources. Secondly, we focus on the demands and actions channeled during the years of pandemic 2020-2021 considering the active role of the communities at that juncture. We seek to reconstruct the network of organizational dynamics, as well as their visibility in the public space, as a fundamental instance to think about the open debates in the transition to the post-pandemic.



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How to Cite

Lorenzetti, M., Cantore, A., Enriz, N., & Vitale, E. (2024). Tourism and work agendas in the Triple Frontier: Mbya Guarani proposals during the COVID 19 Pandemic. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 22(4), 809–823.