Cultural Mediation against the Backdrop: the action of the Comunidade Cultural Quilombaque in the field of Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage, Comunidade Cultural Quilombaque, Community Tourism, Public Action, TrailsAbstract
The article presents an interpretation of the actions for valorisation of cultural heritage mobilized by the political-cultural collective Comunidade Cultural Quilombaque. Active in the neighborhood of Perus, in the northwestern area of the Municipality of São Paulo, since 2005, Quilombaque shows itself to be a pole of agglutination of various artistic and political manifestations and of other groups in the territory. In the field of Cultural Heritage, through the consolidation of the Territorial Museum Tekoa Jopo'i and the Queixadas Agency, they have developed a trail of trails that go through the heritage of the people of the neighborhood. In relation specifically to their work in the field of Memory, it is posited that the Museum and the territory are confused, as they transform the territory itself into a museum, while the Agency's tourism is carried out under the sign of resistance. The symbolic mediation promoted by the Museum's educators brings out narratives of struggle eclipsed by official cultural heritage policies.
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- Academic society
- PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
- Publisher
- Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)
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