Corn: Fundamental food in Mexican traditions and customs


  • Jose de Jesus Cuevas Mejia



Corn, Food, Prehispanic, Mexico, culture


The following work seeks to emphasize the importance of corn for the Mexican people, who over the years have managed to maintain their identity not in vain by the force and majesty of their traditions and customs. It is true that today is the basis of the feeding of many families throughout the territory of Mexico, in every home at lunch time, food and even snack time, corn is present in a great variety of forms, textures and colors. This makes us think: What would be of the fiestas in Mexico without the presence of corn, which year after year are carried out all over the territory?


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Author Biography

Jose de Jesus Cuevas Mejia


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How to Cite

Cuevas Mejia, J. de J. (2013). Corn: Fundamental food in Mexican traditions and customs. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 12(2), 425–432.


