Pandemic COVID-19. Similar crises, historical negative impacts on tourism and traveller behaviour
COVID-19, Tourist behavior, ourism, Pandemic, Natural disasters, Terrorism, ChronologyAbstract
COVID-19 has been one of the worst crises experienced by tourism industry. The reduction of international arrivals in 2020 as compared to 2019 dropping 70%. Only two previous worldwide events have caused a global impact on the sector this century: the health crisis of SARS-COV-1 in 2003 and the economic depression of 2008. The main goal of this research is to verify how travellers have always been mainly responsible for the spread of pathogens, reviewing infectious diseases that have caused changes in society or have generated real threats. An analogy has also been made with events that originated negative impacts on tourism, generating risk for the traveller and directly affecting their behavior. A bibliographic review of the literature was applied, where more than 90 historical and scientific sources were analysed in the fields of knowledge of history, geography, tourism and medicine. This research aims to provide the tourism industry with the ability to foresee and be able to make early decisions that allow it to better handle future similar crisis.
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