Competitiveness Management Factors Analysis of Tapijulapa Magical Town from The Stakeholder’s Perspective
competitiveness, management, tourist destinations, magical towns of Mexico, sustainabilityAbstract
The objective of this work is to determine the relevant management factors for the Magical Town of Tapijulapa, Mexico, from the perspective of its stakeholders. Various researchers have proposed factors for the management of tourist destinations in theoretical models of competitiveness, given the influence they exert on the performance of their activity. Indeed, in this tourist destination, its Steering Committee does not know what these factors are and the role they play in designing strategies that contribute to its permanence in the market. The study is carried out under a quantitative methodological approach, with a non-probabilistic sample of 200 tourism providers. A hypothesis test was made based on analysis of structural equations. The results show that marketing management has the greatest impact on management factors, followed by environmental management, that would lay the groundwork for establishing lines of action that contribute to their competitiveness and long-term sustainability.
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