Ex Libris Tour: how can emblem books inspire new proposals for literary tourism?





Literary destinations, Alternative tourism, Interpretation, Emblem studies, Heritage


This paper aims at discussing how emblem studies can contribute to creating new literary tourism products, by questioning to what extent the selected places fit into the categories of literary destinations. It proposes drawing differentiated routes across Europe, curated by scientific knowledge, showing the potential of Alciato’s Emblemata (1531) as an inspiring resource for literary tourism. Based on the theoretical research of comparative studies, literary tourism and emblems, this case study shows how the hermeneutic process of decoding meanings can lead people (tourists, guides and stakeholders) to connect with artistic heritage by interpreting its symbolic language and value. The proposal explores a new perspective in literary tourism products through emblem studies, fostering a deeper knowledge of the impact of active reading skills on cultural experiences. It considers that literary expertise encourages people to travel differently and reframes the concept of “emblematic places” on tourist routes.


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Author Biography

Filipa Medeiros Araújo, University of Coimbra

Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P. (project UIDP/00150/2020)  



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How to Cite

Medeiros Araújo, F. (2023). Ex Libris Tour: how can emblem books inspire new proposals for literary tourism?. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(4), 727–741. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2023.21.050