Touristic enterprises and family farming, elements for integration approach: case study in Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais




Rural tourism, Local farm, Touristic enterprises, Integration, Serra da Mantiqueira


Rural areas have gradually become sites for tourism ventures where local products are highlighted as one of the main attractions. The objective of this article was to examine the possibilities and limitations of connecting family farming and private business ventures in the shape of integrated rural tourism in the municipality of Piranguçu. Forty six interviews were carried out with family farmers and tourist entrepreneurs. These revealed a total lack of connection between these social actors. Entrepreneurs preferred to buy in supermarkets and farmers to sell to foreign markets. However, both showed interest in forming partnerships, although there is a need to build dialogue strategies to align the demand of enterprises and agricultural production, and ensure the commitment of the parties to maintain and expand the link. It is concluded that the context is promising to integrate the local family farmers' expectations and maximise the tourist potential of the municipality.


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Author Biographies

João Pedro, Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)

PhD student in Environment and Water Resources in the research line Management Instruments in Protected Areas at the Federal University of Itajubá. Graduated in Forestry Engineering and Master in Sustainable Development and Extension from Universidade Federal de Lavras (2016). Member of the team of the research project called “Water, energy and food: the application of the nexus approach to contribute to the management of natural resources in the context of the Cantareira System”. He has experience in the area of Ecology and Management of Protected Areas, with an emphasis on public use, and rural development, especially in alternative agriculture. It works mainly on the following topics: territorial management, alternative agriculture, public visitation of natural areas and mapping.

Rafael Chiodi, Federal University of Lavras

Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Lavras, Department of Administration and Economics, in the area of Development and Extension. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Sustainable Development and Extension. Doctor of Science (line of research in Environment and Society) from the University of São Paulo (CENA-ESALQ) (2015). Master in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2009). Forestry Engineer from the Federal University of Lavras (2006). It develops research projects on topics such as: agricultural and environmental public policies, management of natural resources in agriculture, rural extension, social participation and sustainable rural development.

Wanderley, Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais

PhD in Forestry Engineering/UFLA, in the Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering (DCF). Graduated in Environmental Management from Instituto Vianna Junior (2008); specialization in Environmental Education, Environmental Management and school space at UFJF(2010); and a master's degree in forest engineering from UFLA (2016). He has experience in education, with an emphasis on Environmental Education, working in the training process in Environmental Education and environmental conflicts in Conservation Units. He has experience as a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology in the southeast of Minas Gerais / Barbacena campus working in the disciplines of Environmental Management. Currently a volunteer professor in the lato sensu Postgraduate course, Planning and Management of Natural Protected Areas IFSudesteMG/Barbacena campus, teaching in the disciplines Methodologies in Environmental Education and Socio-environmental Conflicts and as a researcher in the Research Group on Planning and Management of Protected Natural Areas- GAP He has been working since 2008 as Vice President of the NGO Grupo Brasil Verde and as coordinator of the Nucleus for Socioenvironmental Research.


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How to Cite

Machado e Souza, J. P., Eduardo Chiodi, R., & Jorge da Silveira Junior, W. (2023). Touristic enterprises and family farming, elements for integration approach: case study in Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(1), 69–82.