Business activity and perceived results beyond economic rationality: the case of rural tourism


  • Mª Isabel Diéguez Castrillón
  • Ana I. Sinde Cantorna
  • Ana Gueimonde Canto



rural tourism, business activity, Galicia, case study


Most of the research carried out on rural tourism in Spain comes from the fields of geography, sociology, economics and marketing. They analyse their importance for the development of rural areas, the establishment of population in the territory, the enhancement of the potential of the rural environment, consumer satisfaction, quality of service and/or tourist destination. This work complements the above, by analysing business behaviour in terms of perceived business performance, considering not only objective but also subjective results in the case of rural tourism establishments in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (Spain).  It is concluded that the size, family character of the establishment, the creation of a new company and the previous management experience of the owners are elements that positively influence the perception of objective and subjective results.


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How to Cite

Diéguez Castrillón, M. I., Sinde Cantorna, A. I., & Gueimonde Canto, A. (2014). Business activity and perceived results beyond economic rationality: the case of rural tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 12(1), 79–93.


