The role of the travel agency in the new post-Covid-19 situation: ten proposals for its recovery




Travel agency, Intermediation, disintermediation, Covid 19, omnichannel, sustainability


The Covid-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on the travel industry. The consequences of the virus are beginning to be seen in the form of mergers, closures or acquisitions that will leave behind a new landscape in the travel agency sub-sector. This study analyses the situation of Spanish travel agencies and, on the basis of this research, proposes a manual of good practices for their recovery. A total of 726 travel agents were contacted through an online survey. The study shows that the current situation is perceived as a turning point from which a change must take place in the market, ranging from technological innovation to the marketing of more sustainable products, including a possible change of business model. After participatory observation in the sector and analysis of the results obtained, a manual of good practices is proposed in the form of a decalogue which, when put into practice, will help to guarantee the future of travel agencies, already affected by the changes brought about by the appearance of new players in the area of tourism intermediation.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Pastor Ruiz, Universidad de Deusto

Ricardo Pastor has been a visiting professor of the Degree in Tourism at the University of Deusto since 2007. Doctor in Tourism from the International Doctoral School of the Rey Juan Carlos University belonging to the Intur Network. Master in Business Administration and Management from ISEB, Master in Tourism Planning and Management from Udima. (Distance University of Madrid) And international Master in Society, Culture and Chinese Economy from the University of Alcalá de Henares. His subjects are related to intermediation and the tourist market, travel agencies and tourist destinations. He has participated in conferences and has published different books and articles related to tourism brokerage. He has worked since 1996 in the segment of travel agencies and the Tour Operation, having collaborated with the most prestigious brands in the sector.

Jorge Rivera García, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Jorge Rivera, Doctorate in Tourism from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Master's Degree in Sustainable Tourism and ICT as well as Graduate in Business Administration from the same institution and Diploma in Tourism from the University of Girona.

His working life has always been linked to tourist intermediation in different types of agencies, from the MICE to the vacation segment. He has been working in Catai Tours since 2003 directing the Media Distancia Department. During his more than 25 years of working life he has participated in multiple congresses, fairs and workshops around the world.


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How to Cite

Pastor Ruiz, R., & Rivera García, J. (2022). The role of the travel agency in the new post-Covid-19 situation: ten proposals for its recovery. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(1).