Places for the practice of Spiritual Tourism: what is the relationship between spirituality and nature?




Mysticism, Transcendence, Animism, Sustainability, Mystic-Esoteric tourism


Tourism in search of spiritual oneness with Nature is considered to be one of the new trends in tourism. Thus, the objective of this article is to contextualise research into Spiritual Tourism and to understand its relationship with Nature. Initially a review of the literatura was carried out to find academic papers on this topic and to identify the relationship between the segment and nature, with subsequent analysis using the IRAMUTEQ® software. In total 92 scientific papers were identified, 26 countries studied, with the country most studied as India, followed by Peru and Indonesia, with Brazil, Kazakhstan and Thailand in joint fourth place. It is concluded that this segment depends implicitly on a close relationship with nature, since natural environments provide spiritual experiences. In addition, Spiritual Tourism has the potential to contribute to the sustainability of tourism, through conservation of nature and heritage.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Alves Borges, University of São paulo

Graduated in Technology in Tourism Management (UEG). Master's student in the Graduate Program in Tourism at the University of São Paulo (PPGUR / USP). She mainly studies the topic of Spiritual Tourism.

Ivaneli Schreinert, University of São paulo

Master in Agribusiness (UFRGS). Doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Tourism at the University of São Paulo (PPGUR / USP).

Diego Pinto de Mendonça, State University of Goiás

    Graduated in Technology in Tourism Management (UEG). Specialist in Tourism and Environment from the University of Araraquara. Master's student of the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGEO / UEG).

Pedro Scrivano, University of São paulo

Master's student of the Graduate Program in Tourism at the University of São Paulo.

Heros Augusto Santos Lobo, University of São paulo

PhD in Geosciences and Environment (Unesp / Rio Claro-SP). Professor of the Graduate Program in Tourism at the University of São Paulo (PPGTUR / USP).


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How to Cite

Alves Borges, A., Schreinert, I. ., Pinto de Mendonça, D., Scrivano, P. ., & Augusto Santos Lobo, H. (2023). Places for the practice of Spiritual Tourism: what is the relationship between spirituality and nature?. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(1), 129–141.