The impact of the corporate identity design applied to the sustainable development of the tourist destination


  • Joaquín R. García-Lavernia Gil Universitat Abat Oliba CEU



sustainable development, Corporate identity, Tourist destination, image, positioning, public personality


The objective of this article is to highlight the possibilities of using the design of the corporate identity of a tourist destination as a tool for its sustainable development. The development method has been to contextualize the need for sustainable development and relate it to corporate design. This essay takes a look at the need to develop a type of tourism which preserves natural resources. It reviews important initiatives in this sense and explores the option of designing a corporate identity to achieve the goals of sustainable development. It explains how to use the tools which apply to the design of the corporate identity of a tourist destination. The final goal is to achieve the image as a synthesis of the designed corporate action. This essay defends the hypothesis that the image design, the achieved positioning and the exposed public personality of a tourist destination is the first step for a sustainable development of any tourist activity.


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How to Cite

García-Lavernia Gil, J. R. (2021). The impact of the corporate identity design applied to the sustainable development of the tourist destination . PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 19(3), 605–612.