The Buen Retiro Park in Madrid: heritage value and citizen and tourist use
El Retiro Park , World Heritage , Historical Garden , Cultural Interest Asset (BIC), TourismAbstract
First, the objectives, methodology and a brief mention of concepts and laws on the preservation of heritage in Spain, and the recent presentation of the candidacy "Paseo del Prado y el Retiro. Landscape of the Arts and Sciences" to the UNESCO World Heritage list. Second, a short historical evolution of the Buen Retiro Park, since its origin, linked to the almost disappeared palace of the Habsburg dynasty, and its subsequent evolution as a Royal Site with the Bourbon dynasty to a public park since late XIX century. This provides to El Retiro of a valuable and heterogeneous cultural and natural heritage. Last, the analysis of the resources and the tourist and cultural activity supported by El Retiro, together with the results of a survey carried out among visitors, show the great acceptance of the site by residents and tourists; also, the existence of problems in the management and information, which respectively affect the maintenance and use of this unique space.
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