Desirable and possible: community participation, historical and cultural heritage, environmental quality and sustainable tourism development. St Jerome of Moravia, Costa Rica.


  • Juan A. Aguirre



Cultural-historic patrimony, sustainable tourism development, Environmental quality, Participation, Principal components


The sustainable combination, of the cultural-historic patrimony, sustainable tourist development and the environmental quality is without any doubt the challenge that are facing many Latin-American communities that in recent years have uses these types of efforts, for attracting tourist to their communities. The study carried analyze the socio economic conditions of three communities in Costa Rica, identify the environmental problems of the residents that would be aggravate by the development tourism and established the conditions that the inhabitants of the zone want tourist development to meet. A total of 123 interviews of a total of 155 houses in three neighboring communi- ties were conducted. A combination of principal components and factor analysis was utilized to analyze the data. The results indicate that the neighbors desire that the tourist development be sustainable, be properly planned, clear requirements be established, the communities be periodically informed, the communal leaders participated actively in it, programs be established to help communities members in businesses development, and that they be offered technical and financial aid for eco-tourism projects development The problems associated to environmental quality identify as crucial were: excessive noise and traffic, deforestation. And the improvement of the sewage capabilities of the communities The association of the concept of tourism development to the first principle component could mean that, sustainable tourism development is a pre-requisite of environmental quality and sustainable conservation and use of the cultural-historical patrimony of the area.



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Author Biography

Juan A. Aguirre

Juan A Aguirre G.Ph.D. es economista ambiental y de la recreación, The School for Field Studies. Center for Sustainable Development. P.O.Box 150-4013, Atenas, Alajuela. Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Aguirre, J. A. (2007). Desirable and possible: community participation, historical and cultural heritage, environmental quality and sustainable tourism development. St Jerome of Moravia, Costa Rica. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 5(1), 1–16.