Ecotourism: etnodesendevelopment and social inclusion in the Amazon
Participative planning, Ecotourism, Social inclusion, Defensibility, Traditional populationAbstract
The tourism which is practiced in the State of Amazonas (Brazil) is an international tourism. The great majority of the touristic infra-structure belongs to regional political oligarchies and to foreign undertakers/corporations that aim at immediate gain and capital accumulation, regarding the traditional populations (natives and river-bank inhabitants) as cheap labour, excluding them of all and any process of planning and/or management of the (eco)touristic activities. This research analyses the forms of inser- tion of the traditional populations in the existing ecotouristic activities and their perceptions about these activities. It also discusses the conceptions of ecotourism, native ecotourism, native tourism, ethnic tour- ism and ethnotourism and points out the proceeding for the planning of ecotourism in Amazonas.
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