Free time and leisure claimed by workers


  • Guillermo Miranda Román



Leisure, Free time, Work


These lines are referred to the taking of steps of the leisure in the free time that since straight it has been obtained by the fights of those societies whose industrial and commercial development is characterized by the designation of times for the production or distribution of the merchandise.  The workers historically have fought by the right at the same time frees necessary for the development of the aptitudes of the man, subject that we tried to run, or in the best one of the cases, to reflect.  In this writing he tries himself to clarify the differences between which we understand like free time and leisure.  Time that is free of remunerativas and forced workings.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Miranda Román

Guillermo Miranda Román es profesor del Centro de Investigaciones de Estudios Turísticos, Facultad de Turismo (UAEM).


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How to Cite

Román, G. M. (2006). Free time and leisure claimed by workers. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 4(3), 301–326.