Dream or nightmare in Mallorca? An interdisciplinary pedagogical project suitable for the culture of leisure and fun
Environmental education, Leisure culture, Mallorca, Mass tourism, Sustainable developmentAbstract
The increase of the leisure culture also generates sources and approaches to environmental education processes and alterations. The present article uses some methodological guidelines and princi- ples to establish an education oriented towards a policy of sustainable development. A pedagogy applied to the leisure culture looks for to generate a conscience of environmental protection. A special element of mass tourism, as it is characterized to Mallorca, must be concentrated to the preservation of the cul- tural identity threatened by diverse attributes like language, customs, values and interests that a tourist does not obviously consider. A suitable interdisciplinary approach to the philosophy of sustainable de- velopment demands to the single tourist basically the predisposition to conduct rules that look for the collective welfare and the protection the environment. The contribution of young people to this peda- gogical concept is applied to ensure a multiplying success.
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