Repositioning of Barcelona’s Image in the Light of a Redefinition of the Urban Tourism Planning Model


  • Josep-Francesc Valls Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Silvia Banchini Intelligent Coast Group
  • Luis Falcón Intelligent Coast Group
  • Gerard Valls Tuñon School of Social Sciences, Amsterdam University



Urban tourism planning model, urban repositioning, urban marketing, Barcelona’s image, marketing cities, urban competitiveness, city breaks


Barcelona’s city tourism model over the last fifteen years has chalked up many successes in terms of soaring tourist numbers, overnight stays, cruise liner passengers, hotel beds and visits to priced sights. Growth in city breaks has soared to the point where Barcelona has become one of Europe’s most visited cities. But this growth has come at a heavy price: mass tourism, concentration in certain neighbourhoods, competition for space between tourists and residents, lack of adequate inter-modal transport. All of these problems threaten Barcelona’s competitive position. The paper reviews the city’s competitiveness, comparing Barcelona to ten other European cities. Starting out from a qualitative analysis of internal players and a Delphi Study with external players, we find the city’s tourism model needs correcting. We also identify the vectors and most important factors for achieving this repositioning. The vectors reinforce the competitiveness concerning the model’s sustainability, integrated management and governance, and client orientation. The proposed strategic repositioning will allow Barcelona to continue competing with Europe’s main cities.


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Author Biographies

Josep-Francesc Valls, Universitat Ramon Llull

Full Professor, Department of Marketing Management, ESADE

Silvia Banchini, Intelligent Coast Group

Partner-Director, Intelligent Coast Group

Luis Falcón, Intelligent Coast Group

Partner-Director, Intelligent Coast Group

Gerard Valls Tuñon, School of Social Sciences, Amsterdam University

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Master International Development Study


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How to Cite

Valls, J.-F., Banchini, S., Falcón, L., & Valls Tuñon, G. (2019). Repositioning of Barcelona’s Image in the Light of a Redefinition of the Urban Tourism Planning Model. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 11(1), 89–105.


