Tourism on the Costa del Sol. A heritage on review
Tourism, heritage, management, Costa del Sol, development, sectorAbstract
The thirty-fourth edition of the International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR (2014), has been considered by many investors as the best reflection of the recovery being experienced by the tourism sector internationally. Such is the case of Costa del Sol, a mature destination of enormous wealth, for which we believe necessary, however, a review of its tourism model, which puts the focus not so much on the mercantilist aspects but in the enhancement of a modern cultural production linked to mass entertainment. Production that has built an alternative identity, yet unexplored, and which we intend to attend for a contemporary heritage valuation. Tourism architecture, cinema or literature in Costa del Sol would become new items for a broader, inclusive and productive vision with which to undertake new challenges in the touristic planning and promotion of this destination.
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Páginas web consultadas ro/viceconsejeria/direccion-general-planificacion-ordenacion-turistica/planificaion-turistica/index.html.,
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