International research in tourism marketing: content analysis on topics and methodologies


  • j. Enrique Bigné Alcañiz
  • Luisa Andreu Simó
  • Isabel Sánchez García
  • Alejandro Alvarado Herrera



tourism marketing, content analysis, longitudinal study, bibliometric analysis


With a two-fold purpose (1) to find out the topics that have been paid more attention by scho- lars with the aim of identifying future research lines, and (2) to analyse the methodological approach employed in the papers, content analysis has been conducted focused on 269 marketing oriented papers published in the main international tourist journals in the period 2004-2006. Findings obtained by three independent judges highlight the key role of consumer behaviour research, followed by marketing strat- egies. Concerning the setting, almost a half of the tourism marketing works is focused on destinations, although specific types of tourism is also a relevant topic for scholars.


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Author Biographies

j. Enrique Bigné Alcañiz

Enrique Bigné, Luisa Andreu e Isabel Sánchez son profesores del departamento de Comercialización e Investiga- ción de Mercados. Facultad de Economía. Universitat de València.

Luisa Andreu Simó

Enrique Bigné, Luisa Andreu e Isabel Sánchez son profesores del departamento de Comercialización e Investiga- ción de Mercados. Facultad de Economía. Universitat de València.

Isabel Sánchez García

Enrique Bigné, Luisa Andreu e Isabel Sánchez son profesores del departamento de Comercialización e Investiga- ción de Mercados. Facultad de Economía. Universitat de València

Alejandro Alvarado Herrera

Alejandro Alvarado es profesor del Departamento de Turismo y Negocios. División de Desarrollo Sustentable. Universidad de Quintana Roo. México


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How to Cite

Bigné Alcañiz, j. E., Andreu Simó, L., Sánchez García, I., & Alvarado Herrera, A. (2008). International research in tourism marketing: content analysis on topics and methodologies. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(3), 391–398.