The Heritage Knowledge and the Archaeology of Michel Foucault: methodological principles of a critical and political analysis of concepts


  • Alexandre Fernandes Corrêa



Biocultural heritage, Social memory, Michel Foucault


This article analyzes patrimonial knowledge in the domain of the preservacionistas actions, identifying to its peculiarities and perspectives in the present time. It especially reflects theoretical as- pects related to the archaeology of Michel Foucault, through the possibilities of a critical analysis and politics of the concepts, in the society contemporary.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Fernandes Corrêa

Universidade Federal do Maranhão (Brasil)


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How to Cite

Fernandes Corrêa, A. (2009). The Heritage Knowledge and the Archaeology of Michel Foucault: methodological principles of a critical and political analysis of concepts. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(1), 115–125.

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