The organization of events as an identity and evocative strategy of tourist image. Case study: Girona Temps de Flors


  • Mònika Jiménez Morales
  • Jordi de San Eugenio Vela



tourist image, event, indentify, territory, tourist promotion


For the last 53 years the city of Girona organizes a massive event based on the floral art which, in its last occasions, has mobilized more than half million of visitors, many of them from all parts of Europe. Besides the flowers, the photography exhibitions or the audio-visual montages which, during the second week of May, fill the streets of the ancient part of the city, the fact is that Girona Temps de Flors represents an important communicative strategy for the territory promotion. In effect, the event, by itself, develops varied functions in the emotional area of the lived space, but there’s more. It can also become a catalyst of images, the creator of images capable of establishing a brand name of a city. The present article will show the possibilities that flow from the organisation of an event relative to the posi- tioning of the identity and promotion of a territory.


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Author Biographies

Mònika Jiménez Morales

 Mònika Jiménez Morales es Doctora en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Es profesora adscrita al Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Periodismo de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra. 

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela

Jordi de San Eugenio Vela es profesor adscrito al Departamento de Comunicación Corporativa de la Universidad de Vic. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación Turística y Cultural (GRECTIC).


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How to Cite

Jiménez Morales, M., & de San Eugenio Vela, J. (2009). The organization of events as an identity and evocative strategy of tourist image. Case study: Girona Temps de Flors. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(1), 73–84.