A Rortian Critique of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism


  • José María Filgueiras Nodar




Rorty, Codes of Ethics, Moral, Neopragmatism, Moral sentimentalism, Tourism, Ethics


After a brief presentation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, and a reflection about the model it seems to be defending about our relations with nature, I try to criticize the Code using neo- pragmatic considerations on the very idea of code of ethics. I try to show how the usual approaches to codes of ethics are problematic and cast doubts on that idea. The legal approach seems coercive and uneffective, while the properly moral can entail two risks: first, that the Code becomes mere rhetorics; second, that it loses all its meaning, by not reckoning its conditions of application, as Rorty has showed.


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Author Biography

José María Filgueiras Nodar

Instituto de Turismo, Universidad del Mar (México)


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How to Cite

Filgueiras Nodar, J. M. (2009). A Rortian Critique of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(2), 327–336. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2009.07.041

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