Discursive analysis of the relationship between tourism, ownership of territory and heritage: contributions to sustainable tourism planning in Bahia-Brazil
Tourism, Cultural, Territory, Heritage, Planning SustainableAbstract
This article aims, through a theoretical reflection, examining the relationship between the ownership of the territory by the tourist activity and its impacts on culture and the environment, calling attention to the need for sustainable planning in the Bahia-Brazil. To this end, we shall analyze the speech of several authors who deal with interdisciplinary way, the theme of Planning sustainable tourism and its relationship with the regional development (Bomfim, 2008, 2006; Coriolano, 2005; Days, 2003 Becker, 2002 Yazigi, 2002, 2003, Carlos, 2002; Petrocchi, 2001; Santos, 1994, 1997; Soja, 1993; Chade- faud, 1987; Thus, this proposal highlights the need to enhance communities placed outside the economic system.
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