How to bring heritage assets closer to citizens? Heritage Education, an emerging field in the management of cultural heritage


  • Zaida García Valecillo



Heritage education, Heritage management, Pedagogical dimensions


The cultural heritage is a space for "social complicity" and meaning construction. Unfortu- nately, cultural heritage leads far from the memory of the citizens in the contemporary society. On this basis, heritage management seeks the participation of social actors, so Heritage education can be used as an important tool in this process. Such process implies the development of specific theoretical and me- thodological basis, which integrates citizens in the sustainability of their communities and legacy assets. In this sense, we propose to analyze heritage education as an emergent field through four pedagogical dimensions which enable the systematization of their ranges and strategies in order to articulate them in three educational performance areas.


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Author Biography

Zaida García Valecillo

Zaida García Valecillo es profesora de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural.


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How to Cite

García Valecillo, Z. (2009). How to bring heritage assets closer to citizens? Heritage Education, an emerging field in the management of cultural heritage. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(2), 271–280.