Quality of service (personnel in contact and physical support) of the buildings of the municipality Carirubana Estado Falcón


  • Carolina Tremont
  • José E. Hernández




personal contact, support physical, quality of service, servucción


The general objective of this research is to evaluate the conditions of the personnel in contact and physical support at lodging establishments of the Municipality of Carirubana on State of Falcón, in order to design an inspection and control program based on the servuccion theory sustained by Pierre Eiglier and Erick Langeard. The data collection techniques were constituted bay de participant direct observation, interviews, questionnaires and a bibliographical revision. With the information collected, the current situation of the personnel in contact as well as of the physical support were determined. The results were analyzed though the WOST analysis. The study will improve the quality of the two features analyzed when its finding are applied.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)

Author Biographies

Carolina Tremont

Carolina Tremont: es Licenciada en Hotelería, egresada de la Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de la Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo de Nueva Esparta, Venezuela.

José E. Hernández

José E. Hernández: Tutor de esta investigación, es profesor Asistente, en la Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de la Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo de Nueva Esparta, Venezuela. Actualmente cursando estudios doctorales en la Universidad de Málaga (España) en convenio con la Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela). Coordinador del Centro de Investigaciones Turísticas de la Universidad de Oriente.


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How to Cite

Tremont, C., & Hernández, J. E. (2010). Quality of service (personnel in contact and physical support) of the buildings of the municipality Carirubana Estado Falcón. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(1), 219–235. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2010.08.017