The project "TRES" and the Declaration of Cordoba (Spain): a commitment to the articulation of strategies of responsible tourism and solidarity from Europe


  • Robert Lanquar
  • Manuel Rivera Mateos



Project Three, Declaration of Cordoba, Strategies of responsible tourism and solidarity, Europe


The European Programme TRES (Responsible Tourism as an instrument to combat poverty: promotion and education of actors) is a project approved in 2007 by the European Commission (NGO- ED/2007/136-826/366)within its policies on education for development, which has as its main objective the promotion from Europe of responsible tourism in the developing countries (hereinafter referred to as the developing countries) as an instrument to combat poverty, climate change and to build equitable relations between tourists and local populations in these countries. To this end, a network of European non-governmental organisations has been set up to promote awareness, information, education for the development and exchange of good practice on tourism responsible and supportive as an instrument for combating poverty and generating more sustainable and fair tourism. Three European countries (Italy, France, Spain) participate in this project through an integrated social cooperation network, as entities responsible for its implementation, by various Italian Ngos (CISV, COSPE and ICEI) belonging to the Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile (AITR), the Association pour un Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire (ATES) and the Collectif des Associations de Développement en Rhône-Alpes (CADR) of France and the Spanish NGO the International Centre for Cooperation (ICDC)


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How to Cite

Lanquar, R., & Rivera Mateos, M. (2010). The project "TRES" and the Declaration of Cordoba (Spain): a commitment to the articulation of strategies of responsible tourism and solidarity from Europe. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(4), 673–687.