About Vint anys tourist to the Costa Brava.


  • Sergi Yanes Torrado




Costa Brava, Tourism


With this review it is intended to note the reissue of 20 years of tourism to the Costa Brava, by Esteve Fàbregas i Barri (1910-1999), led by the City Council of Lloret in April 2010, coin- ciding with the anniversary of the author’s birth lloretense. The book is published for the first time by Selecta in 1970, although it is a compilation of texts published in the journal Tramun- tana, published in Lloret de Mar by Narcís Pijoan in the 1960s. An English translation (1974, The Costa Bra- va before and after the tourists, Comercial Atheneum) was published four years later.


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Barbaza, Yvette 1963. El paisatge humà de la Costa Bra- va. Barcelona: Edicions 62.

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Fàbregas i Barri, Esteve 1959. Lloret de Mar: la història marinera, el turisme, l’esperit. Barcelona: Selecta

Fàbregas i Barri, Esteve 1970. 20 anys de turisme a la Costa Brava. Barcelona: Selecta.

Geertz, Clifford 1989. El antropólogo como autor. Barcelona: Paidós.

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Pla, Josep 1945. Guía de la Costa Brava. Madrid: Ediciones Destino.

Pla, Josep 1978. La Costa Brava. Madrid: Ediciones

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How to Cite

Yanes Torrado, S. (2011). About Vint anys tourist to the Costa Brava. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 9(1), 219–223. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2011.09.075