Words and culture in the language of tourism


  • Maria Vittoria Calvi




words, culture, language of tourism


Tourism is made up of words: this statement may seem crazy if one thinks of the primacy of sensory elements in the tourist experience, but it is not so much if we consider the "intangibility" of the tourist product, where verbal communication plays no less a decisive role than other material and immaterial factors.


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Author Biography

Maria Vittoria Calvi

Università degli Studi di Milano (Italia)


Barthes, Roland 1957/1999 Mitologías. México DF: Siglo XXI (original: Mythologies. Paris: Seuil)

Calvi, Maria Vittoria 2011 “Confi nes móviles. Lengua y cultura en el discurso del turismo”. Pasos. Revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural, 9, 1: 193-195.

Cronin, Michael 2000 Across the Lines. Travel, Language, Translation. Cork: Cork University Press.

Dann, Graham M. S. 1996 The Language of Tourism. A Sociolinguistic Perspective. Oxon UK: CAB International.

Nobs, Marie-Louise 2006 La traducción de folletos turísticos. ¿Qué calidad demandan los turistas? Granada: Comares.



How to Cite

Vittoria Calvi, M. (2012). Words and culture in the language of tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 10(4), 1–3. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2012.10.047