An approximation of the Uruguayan departmental tourism GDP in 2010


  • María José Alonsoperez Ministerio de Turismo y Deporte
  • Wiston Adrián Risso



Departmental GDP, Tourism Activity, Pareto, Income Distribution, Uruguay


In this document the Uruguayan departmental tourism GDP was estimated, disaggregating the results obtained in the first Tourism Satellite Accounts in 2008, using (Geary and Stark, 2002) methodology. Montevideo and Maldonado generate 62.92% of Tourism GDP in 2010 considering Hotels and restaurants activities only. The departmental distribution does not differ statistically from the latest official approaches dating from 2006. It is noted that more than 80% of the touristic GDP is concentrated in the southern coast of the country. Also noteworthy is the significant growth in production and participation of Rocha and may be related to tourism development in recent years.


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Recibido: 16/01/2013 Reenviado: 21/01/2014 Aceptado: 16/05/2014 Sometido a evaluación por pares anónimos



How to Cite

Alonsoperez, M. J., & Risso, W. A. (2014). An approximation of the Uruguayan departmental tourism GDP in 2010. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(4), 777–789.


