Book review. La promoción turística del patrimonio memorial en la provincia de Girona.


  • Saida Palou Rubio



Tourism, Memory, Cultural heritage, Memorial heritage, Girona


Review of the book Girona terra memorial. Espais de memòria i turisme a les comarques gironines, by David González Vázquez and Ferran Riera Miralles. This is a work on the back of historical research and applied management that was awarded the Yvette Barbaza Research Prize by the Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona-Pirineu Girona in 2016; the book was published in 2018 by the same promotional body, and is available in direct access on the website of the Patronat ( The book proposes a strategy for the tourist valorization of the memorial patrimony of the counties of Girona. The review presents a reflection on the contents of the book and its opportunity, both academically and in the field of application of the objectives proposed in the book.


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How to Cite

Palou Rubio, S. (2019). Book review. La promoción turística del patrimonio memorial en la provincia de Girona. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(4), 857–861.



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