Sustainable local development strategy in the Otomí-Mexica Natural Protected Area of the State of Mexico. Touristic circuits at the municipality of Isidro Fabela


  • Daniel Villegas Martínez
  • Jesus Gastón Gutiérrez Cedillo
  • José Isabel Juan Pérez



Marginalization, Sustainability, Local development, Rural tourism, Mexico


The object of study of this research is based on the analysis carried out on the design, instrumentation and evaluation of tourist circuits based on a community-based proposal, based on the approach of rural tourism and sustainable local development. The methodological structure formulated and applied in this research includes participatory planning, application of structured interviews, direct observation in the field; the joint application of geographic information systems tools, multi-criteria analysis and participatory mapping. As a result, it is proposed that the most viable and sustainable way to take advantage of the resources of the municipal territory of Isidro Fabela from a local perspective is through the implementation of tourist circuits that promote the development of activities related to rural tourism. The evaluation of the circuits was made through the collaboration and knowledge of the inhabitants and local authorities, students and university academics, based on the preferences of the visitors, who determined that five of the eight touristic circuits designed are viable for their instrumentation.


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How to Cite

Villegas Martínez, D., Gutiérrez Cedillo, J. G., & Juan Pérez, J. I. (2019). Sustainable local development strategy in the Otomí-Mexica Natural Protected Area of the State of Mexico. Touristic circuits at the municipality of Isidro Fabela. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(4), 725–745.




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