Sun and sea tourism and territory: the destination Maceió, Brazil
Tourism, Destination, Brazil, Maceió, TerritoryAbstract
The work examines the territorialisation of tourism in the destination Maceió, State of Alagoas, Brazil. The historical and spatial production of this destination is delineated, analyzing the territories that have been consolidated as a result of the dominant model of local tourism development, with emphasis on recent periods. A qualitative approach was adopted, with document analysis and semi-structured interviews with informants related to the government and tourism trade, and others related to tourism in this destination. It was noted the need to rethink the territorial sustainability of this destination, based on mobilization of its physical, natural, environmental, social and cultural resources, and not only on massive attractions of sun and sea. It would also be important to: value singular cultural elements; diversify the offer; and insert cultural identity elements to strengthen the image of the destination.
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