Textiles for tourists: weavers and merchants in the Altos de Chiapas
indigenous women of Los Altos de Chiapas, Merchandising, Production and trde of textiles, Ethnic tourism and consumptionAbstract
Textiles for tourists: weavers and traders in Altos de Chiapas. The present work investigates the role played by indigenous women as producers and sellers of textile pieces, considered handworks and indigenous tradition, with high demand in the tourism market in the region to the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The presence of tourism in the area has led to the consolidation of a complex local market of textiles in which intertwine weavers, distributors and traders, commercial chains and multiple retail spaces. Through this female agency and marketing of “indigenous”, the research studied a local context that allows indigenous women take new social positions while it integrates social global goods and imaginary aspects.
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