18th century urban geography and tourism: the squares of Mariana - Brazil from an experiential perspective


  • Lauro Almeida de Moraes
  • Saulo Rondinelli Xavier da Silva
  • José Manoel Gândara




Public space, Tourist experience, 18th century urbanism, Online reputation, Mariana.


This article aims at analyzing public space such as the squares of the historical city of Mariana (Minas Gerais - Brazil) as places for experiences in tourism. The research is conceptually based on discussions of public space, types and functions of squares, tourist experiences and the urban layout of Mariana. As a methodological premise, it is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study, which uses a critical review of the literature, images and evaluations shared on the TripAdvisor website about the following squares: Praça da Sé, Gomes Freire and Minas Gerais. Thus, the research evaluates tourist perceptions and representations of these spaces, comparing them with the historical-geographic survey of Mariana’s 18th century town development. The results indicate that the studied squares are representative of the history of Brazil, particularly of Minas Gerais, and apt for creating memorable touristic practices. Therefore, the conservation and efficient management of these spaces are fundamental for the autochthonous memory and the sustainability of tourism.



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How to Cite

Moraes, L. A. de, Silva, S. R. X. da, & Gândara, J. M. (2018). 18th century urban geography and tourism: the squares of Mariana - Brazil from an experiential perspective. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(4), 971–988. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2018.16.068


