The fallacy of hospitality: who takes care of the host in mega sporting events?
mega events, hospitality, hostility, stakeholders, omotenashiAbstract
The sports mega-events attract domestic and international travelers with different aims and profiles, with several tourism segments to take care. In Brazil, recent events like the 2014 World Cup and the Olympics Rio 2016 support the research question: Why the Brazilian local community, considered hospitable as individuals, are unable to extend this positive attribute to the professional activities, while hosting national and international visitors? The propositions to consider are: (P1) Besides representing a primary stakeholder, the local community lacks legitimacy, urgency and power in the decision-making process; (P2) The local population does not feel integrated in mega events; in other words, there is not a hospitality relationship between event organizers and the local community; (P3) Japan retrieved the concept of omotenashi, as the cornerstone to host 2020 Olympics, bringing the local community as the basis to justify a trip to that country. The research goal was understanding the hospitality and hostility relations between the local community and visitors during the 2016 Olympic Games. The methodological procedures used was a data collect in articles published between 2010 and 2016; categorization of the key concepts to classify news found in UOL and G1 portals during the 2016 Olympic Games, data analysis and discussion.
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