Latent meanings in tourism photography: the case of black tourism Costa Morte (Galicia)




Latent content, gaze, dark tourism, Costa Da Morte (Galicia), Experiences, Photo-elicitacion


To what extent can a photograph be a representation of the identity of a place, spread emotions, simulate / emulate experiences and motivate the visit to the destination? This study seeks to explore the fascination (gaze), the influence of landscape interpretation, the perception of authenticity, the psychological density associated with images of black tourism? What elements and symbols are possible in an explicit or latent way? What is the role of the tourist in the co-creation of the image of destiny? This study has as its starting point and unit of analysis the intangible heritage and the "aura" emanated by various places and landscapes of the Costa da Morte (Coast of Death) in Galicia spiced by the legends and mythology of a rich in events historical past. Using a methodological approach that included qualitative selection and analysis of photographs, documentaries and books, direct observation, passive netnography and photo elicitation several latent content elements or classification categories were proposed.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, A. (2017). Latent meanings in tourism photography: the case of black tourism Costa Morte (Galicia). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(4), 1001–1015.


