Analyzing the type of Coopetition in tourism interorganizational networks in Curitiba, Brazil


  • Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Rosa Maria Batista-Canino Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Silvia Sosa-Cabrera Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Inter-organization networks, Tourism Destination, Co-opetition, Co-opetitive advantage, Curitiba.


 This paper presents an analysis of the variables that indicate propensity to co-opetition using a comparison of horizontal, vertical or comprehensive networks in the tourism sector. Data was collected from 287 business surveys and 26 interviews with tourism associations in the destination of Curitiba in Brazil. Information is given with respect to the business sector's perception of the local context since this gives rise to their participation in local associative networks. The results show little difference in the entrepreneurial perception levels over the various networks. The three types of co-opetition networks are based more on competition than cooperation, indicating that the business sector, whether they be direct competitors or indirect complements are on the lookout for both individual and collective advantages when they participate in inter-organization networks. Cooperation in a business environment is seen as a way to achieve individual competitive advantage; therefore, all the participants are basically competing for the overall benefits.


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How to Cite

Chim-Miki, A. F., Batista-Canino, R. M., & Sosa-Cabrera, S. (2018). Analyzing the type of Coopetition in tourism interorganizational networks in Curitiba, Brazil. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(3), 769–784.


