Accountability as a key element in the governance of tourism destinations





Governance, Tourism, Stakeholders, Public Administration, Accountability


Accountability is configured as a key element for the success of governance processes, yet studies that have analysed this element in the field of governance in tourism destinations are non-existent. The main objective of this article is to highlight the relevance of accountability through the need shown by citizens to hold their municipal public administration (PPA) accountable and the usefulness they give to the annual sustainability report in tourist destinations. To achieve these objectives, we reviewed the related specialized literature and subsequently conducted a survey aimed at the stakeholders of Spanish tourist destinations. The population sampled is 11,251 individuals, finally obtaining 1,027 responses, which implies a sampling error of ±2.91% for a 95% confidence level. The results obtained from the research show how residents in tourist destinations have a strong need for their PLA to be accountable, especially in the economic sphere. These results stand out, not only because of their relevance to the field of knowledge of tourism planning and management, but also because of the important implications they have for public decision-makers


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How to Cite

GÓMEZ BRUNA, D., MUÑOZ MAZÓN, A. I., & LAFUENTE IBÁÑEZ, M. D. C. (2016). Accountability as a key element in the governance of tourism destinations. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(3).