Una contribución del marketing sensorial a la comercialización de la experiencia del turismo rural


  • Dora Agapito
  • Júlio da Costa Mendes
  • Patrícia Valle
  • Hugo Almeida



Palabras clave:

marketing sensorial, rural, cinco sentidos


La importancia de los cinco sentidos humanos -vista, oído, olfato, gusto y tacto- en la comercialización de experiencias turísticas positivas, únicas y memorables ha sido enfatizada en la investigación turística. En particular, la riqueza multisensorial y la vulnerabilidad de los recursos endógenos existentes en las zonas rurales, con características divergentes del entorno urbano y la potenciación de las actividades relacionadas con la naturaleza y los bienes rurales, justifican una comercialización de la experiencia turística adecuada al desarrollo sostenible de las zonas rurales. Considerando la contribución del marketing sensorial al diseño de un entorno que potencie las experiencias turísticas deseables y a la segmentación de los turistas, este trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre el papel de los cinco sentidos en el marketing de experiencias turísticas que potencien el desarrollo sostenible de los destinos rurales.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)

Biografía del autor/a

Dora Agapito

PhD in tourism and MSc in marketing. Currently, she is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve. Her current research interests include tourist experiences, sensory marketing, social marketing, rural tourism, and destination marketing. She is a member of the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (CIEO).

Júlio da Costa Mendes

PhD in management. He is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve and Coordinator of the Master Course in Tourism Organizations Management. His current research interests include excellence and integrated quality management in tourism destinations, tourism experience, events management, branding, destination image, and customer satisfaction.

Patrícia Valle

PhD in applied statistics to economics and business. She is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve and Coordinator of the Master Course in Marketing. Her research interests are in applied statistics and modeling in the areas of integrated quality management in tourism destinations, events management, destination marketing, marketing strategies, customer satisfaction, and environment behavior.

Hugo Almeida

PhD in Psychology and Cognitive Neurosciences. He is Assistant Professor at ISCA- Higher Institute for Accountancy and Administration, University of Aveiro. His current research interests include applied neuroscience to consumption, chronobiologic effects in consumption, neuropsychology and stress in work ability.


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Cómo citar

Agapito, D., Mendes, J. da C., Valle, P., & Almeida, H. (2014). Una contribución del marketing sensorial a la comercialización de la experiencia del turismo rural. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 12(3), 611–621. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2014.12.045

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