10 x 15. Postcards as traces of tourists' practices


  • Carla Lois Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • Claudia Alejandra Troncoso Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)




Postcard, Tourism, Visual culture


Postcards have been object of analyses that have emphasized various issues. Images on postcards have naturally attracted examinations of the ways they portray tourist destinations. Other approaches have complemented these analyses by examining their status as complex objects: a postcard implies not only a representation of a tourist destination, but itself is an object that is selected, acquired, written on, sent (or kept) as part of the tourist experience. Also, some studies assume that postcards are double?sided objects with a standardized image (on the front) and a blank space for personal writing (on the back). This article aims to question the supposed dichotomy between stereotypical and anonymous image versus personal and subjective text. This is achieved through a historical revision of postcard as object (the way it has been used, its formats, its consumers). The article also suggests a qualitative analysis of postcards that consider postcards’ front and back together to inquire into tourist practices from the tourist’s perspective.


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How to Cite

Lois, C., & Troncoso, C. A. (2017). 10 x 15. Postcards as traces of tourists’ practices. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(3), 633–657. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2017.15.043




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