Religious Tourism: Fatima in the Context of European Marian Sanctuaries
Religious Tourism, Lourdes, Loreto, BanneauxAbstract
This article seeks to assess the extent to which the motivations of visitors to the Sanctuary of Fatima and the reception conditions the city offers correspond to their expectations and are at the level of three other European Marian sanctuaries (Lourdes, Loreto and Banneux). The comparison is based on a questionnaire survey conducted in the four sanctuary cities to a total of 310 visitors. The overwhelming majority of the respondents are Catholic, have a high academic qualification, come from many countries and visit the shrine cities primarily for religious reasons. Fatima appears as a reference in matters such as religious provision, quality of information, transport and access, traffic and parking, organization and cleanliness of the space, but has some weaknesses at other levels. The larger sanctuary cities are considered the most singular and irreplaceable. The overwhelming majority of visitors intend to return and/or recommend the visit.
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