Ruralities, cultural heritage, associationism and tourism in times of digital humanities




Red Internacional de Aldeias de Aprendizagem, Humanidades digitais, Areas rurais, Patrimonio cultural, Turismo


The chronicle "Ruralities, Cultural Heritage, Associativism and Tourism in the Times of Digital Humanities" addresses the pertinence of generalised access to historical legacy, highlighting the importance of cultural heritage, associativism and tourism in rural contexts in the digital age. The text questions who is interested in heritage, such as medieval chapels or castles, and argues that although history offers deep understanding of the past, its appreciation is not always understood by today's society.

Exploring the impact of digitalisation, virtual reality and immersive experiences, we highlight a project in Sabrosa, Portugal, which uses new technologies to promote the Medieval Necropolis of Touças. This project includes theatrical events, digitisation of archaeological artefacts and the creation of virtual guides, with the aim of involving local communities and visitors.

In addition, the chronicle describes the Learning Villages International Network (LVIN #C) initiative, funded by the European Commission, which seeks to promote education for culture, heritage and tourism in rural areas. The text highlights the interaction between digital humanities, sustainability, experiential tourism and cross-border cooperation, emphasising the importance of educational and cultural initiatives for rural communities.


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Author Biographies

Martín Gómez-Ullate García de León, Universidad de Extremadura


Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, he has lectured in public universities and research centres in Portugal, France, Mexico and  Spain where he has developed research in different fields and lines as identity, social representations and intercultural relationships, cultural heritage, qualitative methodology and shared musical heritage and cultural tourism. At the present, he is researcher in the University of Extremadura. Senior researcher, professor and project manager with more than ten years’ experience in conducting and participating international, cross-border, national and local R+D projects in cultural management, applied anthropology, cooperation and local development. He has been selected in the Program of Attraction and Retention of Research Talent for the Region of Extremadura to develop research in the field of Immaterial Cultural Heritage Management for Sustainable Tourism in the University of Extremadura (Teacher Training College). He is coordinating CULTOUR+ Project Coordinator (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Higher Education). He has directed the Scientific Committee in the International Conference. Cultural Management and Governance for European Pilgrimage Routes and Religious Tourism He has published several research works about pilgrims and pilgrimage and cultural routes. He has organized and directed international conferences as the 1st. International Conference on Musical Tourism and Festivals, The future of Rural Europe, or International Conference Cultural Heritage and Natural Heritage.

Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves, Associação de Historia e Arqueologia de Sabrosa/Universidade de Evora

Archaeologist and historian, member and researcher at CIDEHUS, completed a degree course in History at the University of Évora (pre-Bologna) and, subsequently, completed a Master's degree in Archeology and Environment at the same institution. He completed specializations in Archeology and Dendrochronology at several institutions such as the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, at Idiana State University and CONICET/IANIGLA in Mendoza, Argentina, for this last training he received a scholarship from CONICET and CIDEHUS. He also specialized in digital humanities and multidimensional surveys of architectural and archaeological heritage. For more than 20 years he dedicated himself to public and safeguard archaeology, digital archaeology, dendrochronology and historical research. He is currently a researcher at CIDEHUS- UÉ and collaborates with EROS Environment research on Science Consulting and with AHAS (Association of History and Archeology of Sabrosa and with the Society of Natural History, in Torres Vedras, being responsible and coordinator in the projects Pannonias Digital Old Lands, Touças old Paths, Touças Medieval Graveyard (multi-annual project approved by the DGPC) and the project to digitize the historical archive of the Mina do Vale das Gatas (Industrial archeology), in Sabrosa. He is also coordinator of the multi-annual project approved by the DGPC S. Lourenço dos Francos: between the Roman world, late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, in the municipality of Lourinhã and the European Project Learning Villages "C": International Network, from the program "Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV). 



How to Cite

Gómez-Ullate García de León, M., & Vidal Gonçalves, G. (2024). Ruralities, cultural heritage, associationism and tourism in times of digital humanities. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 22(3), 615–624.