Urban tourism and World Heritage: Relations and effects of the classification


  • António José Pinheiro Instituto Universitário da Maia - ISMAI/ CEDTUR - Centro de Estudos de Desenvolvimento Turístico
  • Fernando Paulino Universidade da Maia - ISMAI https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7316-1417




urban tourism, cultural tourism, World Heritage, historic centres, UNESCO


The World Heritage classification emerges as a universal form of validation and dissemination of the heritage value, being a relevant tool for the communication of tourist destinations. The aim of this article is to understand the effects of the World Heritage classification on urban tourist destinations, by confronting the theoretical fundaments of urban tourism and patrimonialization with case studies that seek to evaluate the objectives and results of the World Heritage classification in these places. The different studies reviewed do not allow for a common generalized conclusion but enable to identify some destinations where the World Heritage seal has become an important factor in increasing the notoriety of the tourist destination, and, also, to recognize cities that have several factors that appeal to the visit, where the classification is not proven to be a determining factor in the attraction process for the destination.


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Author Biography

Fernando Paulino, Universidade da Maia - ISMAI

Fernando Faria Paulino, é doutorado em Antropologia (especialidade em Antropologia Visual), Professor Associado na Universidade da Maia, Dept. de Ciências da Comunicação e Tecnologias da Informação (nas áreas de: antropologia, antropologia visual, comunicação audiovisual, semiótica visual, comunicação multimédia, vídeo-documentário, novos media e fotografia), investigador do CIAC Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação / Universidade do Algarve e investigador colaborador do CETRAD Centro de Estudos Transdiciplinares para o Desenvolvimento (linha de investigação Turismo, Identidades e Património


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, A. J., & Paulino, F. (2022). Urban tourism and World Heritage: Relations and effects of the classification. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(5), 1243–1254. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2022.20.084

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