Film tourism in New Zealand: The Hobbiton Movie Set as reverse strategy




Tourism, advertising, transmedia, narrative, marketing, Communication


This paper is an exploration of film tourism in New Zealand through the development of a fictional enclave. It is research that shows how an audiovisual element is transferred to the real world. The study is structured following the advertising technique of reverse product placement with one of its most relevant cases: the Hobbiton Movie Set. Thus, a phased exploratory-descriptive methodology was used. First, a bibliographic analysis of the State of the Art was addressed. Then Tayla Roa, the event coordinator in the enclave, was interviewed to learn about the processes involved. Lastly, a qualitative analysis of the case was carried out where the previous results were crossed to give an overview of the dimensions of this tool. In conclusion, the possibilities of a tourist development from fiction are observed where a transmedia narrative experience is capable of conquering visitors from all over the planet.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, V. Álvarez. (2022). Film tourism in New Zealand: The Hobbiton Movie Set as reverse strategy. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(4), 1023–1038.

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