The participation of tourism in the modification of the cultural landscape of Malinalco, State of Mexico


  • Guillermo Miranda Román



Tourism, Cultural landscape, Impacts, Malinalco, Mexico


The intention of this article is to present some forms of participation that has the tourism in the transformation of the landscapes. In these lines it is tried of more or less general way, to show some interventions that the tourism as social and economic activity for the development of the man has, so that those changes take place in which we considered landscape cultural. Of our observations we conclude that the tourism lead with unexpected policies causes that the landscape is altered, reason why is required of an ordering of the presented/displayed cultural goods, not only to the tourism, but also to the scientists whom they require to construct the history of those values that identify a town.  This way, the tourism correctly encausado will be an average one to revalue, to rescue and to conserve that cultural landscape with dignity to be presented displayed those visitors.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Miranda Román

Guillermo Miranda Román es profesor del Centro de Investigaciones de Estudios Turísticos, Facultad de Turismo (UAEM).


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How to Cite

Miranda Román, G. (2006). The participation of tourism in the modification of the cultural landscape of Malinalco, State of Mexico. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 4(2), 201–211.

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