Modeling tourist itineraries in heritage cities. Routes around the Old District of Girona


  • José Antonio Donaire
  • Núria Galí



heritage cities, tourist´s behaviour, tracking tourists, direct observation, urban routes


Tourists do not follow random behavior in heritage cities, but they are consciously or uncons- ciously guided by socially constructed itineraries. This article studies the shaping of these itineraries in a heritage city (Girona), using the direct observation methodology during the visit (following the tourists from a prudent distance and gathering all the information about their visits) and the conventional ques- tionnaire at the end of the visit. It also establishes which the sociodemographic, environmental and in- formative factors are that explain this behavior. The simultaneous use of the observation method and a questionnaire was found to be a useful technique for analyzing tourists’ behavior and the factors that explain this behavior.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)

Author Biographies

José Antonio Donaire

Dr José Antonio Donaire and Dr Núria Galí are Lecturers at the School of Tourism and at the Department of Geography, History and Art History of the University of Girona. Their current research is on linkages between tour- ism and culture; specifically focused on urban tourism studies, tourism in heritage cities, tourism behavior and tour- ism image.

Núria Galí

Dr José Antonio Donaire and Dr Núria Galí are Lecturers at the School of Tourism and at the Department of Geography, History and Art History of the University of Girona. Their current research is on linkages between tour- ism and culture; specifically focused on urban tourism studies, tourism in heritage cities, tourism behavior and tour- ism image.



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How to Cite

Donaire, J. A., & Galí, N. (2008). Modeling tourist itineraries in heritage cities. Routes around the Old District of Girona. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(3), 435–449.